Future Earth Open Science Conference + General Assembly 2022

On 21 September 2022, Future Earth’s France Global Hub hosted an open science conference at Sorbonne University in Paris, France.

On 21 September 2022, Future Earth’s France Global Hub hosted an open science conference at Sorbonne University in Paris, France. The morning sessions (in French), were co-organised by the French National Committee on Global Change (CNFCG) for the French scientific community working in sustainability science with the objective of identifying and discussing new research perspectives emerging from the end of the current IPCC working cycle and the ongoing work of the IPBES. The afternoon sessions (in English) kicked off Future Earth’s General Assembly by presenting recent research outcomes from Future Earth’s scientific community.

Watch the recording below or click on the links to watch specific sections

French Sessions

Wolfgang Cramer (CNRS)

Perspectives de recherche ouvertes par la fin du cycle des travaux du GIEC et par les travaux en cours de l’IPBES
Valérie Masson-Delmotte (LSCE, Co-présidente du Groupe I du GIEC)
Paul Leadley (Université Paris Sud)

Table ronde : Les sciences de la durabilité : enjeux et perspectives pour la communauté française et ses collaborations internationales, Animée par Thierry Lebel (IRD)
Intervenants : Nathalie Blanc (CNRS), Xavier Capet (CNRS), Isabelle Goldringer (INRAE), Estienne Rodary (IRD)

English Sessions

Opening Words
Lise Fechner (French Ministry of Higher Education and Research)
Kristie Ebi and Cornelia Krug (Future Earth Assembly Co-Chairs)

International research cooperation to face the challenges of the coming decade
Unai Pascal (Basque Center for Climate Change, Chair of the IPBES Values Assessment)
Valérie Masson-Delmotte (LSCE, Co-Chair of IPCC Working Group I)

Recent research outcomes from the Future Earth Community
How marine sciences integrate with IPBES
Lynne Shannon (University of Cape Town)

Health and challenges ahead
Kristie Ebi (Washington University, World Health Organization)

Urban transitions and sustainability: agency as a key lever to unlock opportunities and expand possibilities
Squab Lwasa (Makerere University)

10 Facts about Land Systems
Ariane de Bremond (University of Bern, University of Maryland)



