Call for applications – Pathways Autumn School 2024

The 2024 Pathways Autumn School will take place from 25-29 November 2024 in Aussois, in the French Alps. The call for applications opens on April 4th and closes on May 22nd.

The 3rd edition of the Pathways Autumn School will take place from 25-29 November 2024 in Aussois, in the French Alps. It will gather 50 young researchers and senior researchers to share and reflect around the theme « Transformative Research for a Just World and a Habitable Planet ». The call for applications opens on April 4th and closes on May 22nd.

Check the Autumn School’s webpage.

Transformative Research for a Just World and a Habitable Planet

Societies are confronted with the urgent task of achieving a ‘good life’ for over 9 billion people in 2050 while safeguarding planetary boundaries. Humanity has, however, been surpassing critical planetary processes at a pace far exceeding its efforts to meet the fundamental needs of the population. Furthermore, the pursuit of a ‘good life’ in the wealthiest regions has impeded the prospects for others, and for future generations and nature, to achieve the same.

A good life requires, as a minimum, the fulfillment of basic needs such as clean air and water, adequate nutrition, housing, mobility, healthcare, education and social participation. While the ways these can be fulfilled are highly dependent on socio-cultural contexts, basic needs are universal. Creating the conditions for a good life for all and for improving our planet’s habitability means providing everyone with their basic needs and protecting our climate and ecosystems. Technological change is part of the response. However, technical solutions continue to neglect the root issues fostering environmental destruction. They fall short in challenging the power dynamics and inequalities embedded within the broader social, cultural, and political dimensions inherent in sustainability and habitability concerns. Our growth-dependent global economy continues as status-quo. The necessary degrowth in global production and consumption to safeguard our planet’s boundaries should go hand in hand with social justice. 

Achieving these multiple goals requires transformations at all levels. For the research community, contributing to these transformations takes many forms that will be at the core of the 2024 Pathways Autumn School: reassessing our modes of social, economic and institutional organization and understanding why they continue to deepen the environmental crisis and to impede our capacity for action; redefining how we relate to and live within nature; learning from, designing and experimenting with other modes of inhabiting the planet and fulfilling basic needs; exploring new ways of influencing decision making and engaging with society beyond reiterating evidence-based warnings; contributing to amplify the impact of potentially transformative options.

Important Information

  • Where? Centre Paul-Langevin, 24 rue du Coin, 73500 Aussois, France
  • When? 25-29 November 2024, with the possibility to arrive on Sunday 24
  • Contact:
  • Call for applications: opens on 2 April and closes on 22 May at midnight CEST
  • Who can apply? Doctoral researchers or researchers who finished their PhD in the last 10 years (excluding periods of parental leave) who are leaving and working in Europe
  • Accommodation, meals and teaching costs are fully covered by the organizers. Upon request, travel costs can be covered for PhD students and post-doc researchers in some specific cases including but not limited to participants working in European middle income countries. To limit the carbon impact of the school we strongly encourage avoiding flights.

Organising Committee

Cristina O’CALLAGHAN GORDO (Open University of Barcelona, Barcelona Institute for Global Health)

Guntra AISTARA (Central European University)

Helmut HABERL (Institute of Social Ecology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna, Global Land Programme)

Nathalie BLANC (CNRS, Université Paris Cité)

Nigel YOCCOZ (University of Tromsø, Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment)

Pavel KAMBERSKY (CNRS, Future Earth)

Sandrine PAILLARD (CNRS, Future Earth)

Shonali PACHAURI (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis)

Victoria REYES (ICTA, Autonomous University of Barcelona)


Speakers - TBA

We are currently composing this year’s panel, check last year’s speakers!

Provisional Programme - TBA

Our programme is currently under construction, you can check last year’s programme to get an idea of what it will look like!




