Second Round of Communication Grants in 2023

2023 brings two rounds of Pathways Communication Grants, continuing to support researchers who want to disseminate the outcomes of place-based pathways research to non-academic audiences in new and innovative formats and practices. The first round closed on 15 June 2023 and the next round is open until 31 October 2023.

Proposals must be based on completed outcomes of inter-/transdisciplinary place-based research projects that advance the understanding of at least one of the following three aspects of pathways for sustainability:

  1. How to navigate competing development agendas and claims on resources in order to foster transformative change in complex human-environment systems,
  2. How transformations can be mobilized through processes of knowledge co-production in order to enable expansion of integrated pathways to sustainability in a specific context,
  3. How pathways and processes of transformation, which are highly context specific, interact across locations and scales with other processes of transformation to produce knock-on tensions and/or synergies.

Researchers, including PhD students, who are affiliated with universities and/or research institutions are invited to submit proposals until 31 October 2023. Each project can receive 2,500 to 10,000 euros.


Learn more here

Check out the past awarded projects here


