Pathways Forum #17 Sustainable Choices – Reading List

This reading list is associated with the 17th Pathways Forum called « Sustainable Choices Through a Behavioral Insights Lens: Challenges, Ethics, and Opportunities ». It featured presentations and discussions with Kristian Nielsen, Mariam Chammat, and Britt Titus. In this forum, we explored the ethical considerations, limitations and possibilities involved in applying behavioral insights and solutions to policy-making. The discussion focused on how behavioral science can not only help shape individual consumer behavior but also drive systemic change.  We also discussed how the fields insights and contributions can vary across different regions and policy domains. Integrating behavioral insights into governance and decision-making, policymakers can better understand human behavior and design interventions or policies that lead to meaningful and sustainable outcomes.

Following this discussion, the reading list is designed to provide deeper insights into the role of behavioral sciences in policy-making and research. It includes a selection of articles, reports, videos, and podcasts that examine how the behavioral sciences can be applied to address social, economic, and environmental challenges. You will find resources that explore the promenent theories from the behavioral sciences that are linked to behavioral and systemic change, as well as discussions on the limitations and ethical considerations of using behavioral interventions in policy. Additionally, this collection features perspectives from experts in various fields, who have successfully incorporated behavioral insights into their work, offering practical examples of their impact across different regions and sectors.

If you would like to watch the Pathways Forum before delving into this list of articles, videos and podcasts you can watch it by clicking here. But, if you want to go straight to our recommendations, you can look at the reading list below!