Leveraging capacity for transformative sustainability science: a theory of change from the Future Earth Pathways Initiative

What would a theory of change for leveraging the transformative capacity of sustainability science look like? This is the question that the Future Earth Pathways Initiative and its steering group have asked in their last publication for Global Sustainability, « Leveraging capacity for transformative sustainability science: a theory of change from the Future Earth Pathways Initiative ».

Facing increasingly pressing social and environmental challenges, sustainability science is in need to explore and implement « radical alternatives to dominant and unsustainable paradigms, norms, and values ». However, academia is not structured to support and reward inter-, trans-disciplinary or transformative research due to a lack of skills, concepts, methods, and an institutional landscape still focused on disciplinary research.

This paper proposes a theory of change for overcoming challenges that currently impede meaningful engagement with transformative research, and drive sustainability science towards its own transformative journey.

You can read and download the paper through the link below:  


