The Pathways Communication Grants support innovative ways of communicating scientific outcomes of place-based research projects on pathways for sustainability to educate and engage with non-academic audiences.
Click below to view former successfully financed projects!
The Pathways Communication Grants Program seeks to ensure that scientific contributions supporting the development of pathways for sustainability reach relevant audiences beyond the scientific community. To promote wider uptake and understanding of pathways for sustainability, the grant supports the dissemination of scientific findings of place-based research projects via innovative formats and practices.
Researchers, including PhD students, who are affiliated with universities and/or research institutions are invited to submit proposals for communication products that aim to disseminate scientific outcomes developed within inter- and/or transdisciplinary place-based research projects on pathways for sustainability, and are addressed to the broader public. This grant supports the communication of research that has already been completed. Proposals to fund research studies and/or include data collection will not be considered.
Proposals must be based on completed outcomes of inter-/transdisciplinary place-based research projects that advance the understanding of transformative pathways for sustainability in practice. They must not be limited to disseminating knowledge or creating awareness on the state of the problem.
The call for proposals is now open from the 24th of September until the 22nd of December 2024.
Priority Groups: One third of the funding will be allocated to support proposals led by researchers from and working in low and middle income countries. Another third will be allocated to support proposals led by early career researchers, as another priority group. Early career researchers are defined here as PhD students or researchers who have received their PhD within the last ten years.
5,000 to 12,000€
per project
awards per call
available funding
The grant supports partial and/or full costs of developing a communication product.
Supported communication products include but are not limited to: printed or digital publications (policy briefs, factsheets, brochures, white papers, short reports, etc.), videos, audios, digital interactive learning tools, and data visualisations.
Products not supported: website design and maintenance, scientific posters, publications in scientific journals and books.
The supported communication products must be based on completed research outcomes or synthesis, and be ready to be turned into a communication piece. Communications products in any language relevant to the target audience (aligned with the needs of the target audience) can be supported. Proposals and all supplementary application materials, however, must be submitted in English.
The communication products should be launched and publicly available within 8 months from the date of the funding transfer.
Please note that the grant does not make any retrospective awards for communication products already published.
Only the costs of the development of the communication product are covered by the grant. The following costs may be claimed: layout, graphic design, video design and production (including equipment rental or travel and subsistence for video shooting), writing and editorial support, communication consultancy to help shape narratives and translate complex knowledge into clear and targeted material for non-expert audiences.
The following costs cannot be claimed: publication and open access costs, salary in connection with the development of the research outcomes highlighted in the communication products, translation and linguistic revision, costs of printing copies, stipends for participants, food and beverages/catering.
Beneficiaries are allowed to include up to 12% indirect cost recovery on total direct costs per contract (overheads).
Proposals must provide the following elements, consolidated into a single PDF document, and submit it to the form at the bottom of this page. Please ensure that all links to supplementary material are active and accessible from the PDF file provided.
Please read all of the requirements carefully before submitting the form to ensure that your proposal will be assessed. Proposals that do not meet all eligibility requirements (for both the applicant and the costs) will not be evaluated by the selection committee.
All submission materials should be written in English and sent via the form at the bottom of this page. If you have any questions concerning the submission process, you can contact
Deadline: You have from the 24th of September 2024 to the 22nd of December 2024 23:59 CEST to apply for this grant.
Eligible proposals will be evaluated based on:
Selection committee: Each application will be evaluated by a selection committee composed of scientific experts and communications professionals.
Funding will normally be paid to the awarded Beneficiaries within 4 months once all the necessary documentation has been received. Please note that transfers to countries outside of Europe may take longer due to administrative constraints.
A Final Statement of Expenditures summarizing all eligible costs/expenditures made by the Beneficiary for the Project over its total duration shall be sent by the Beneficiary to the Future Earth Secretariat within 3 months after the end date of the Project. The published work will be advertised and, as far as possible downloadable, on the Future Earth website. Future Earth must be acknowledged within the published work, through the following mention: “this (name of product) received financial support from the Future Earth Pathways Initiative”.
Where the published work is protectable by Copyright, the Beneficiary shall grant the Future Earth Secretariat, free of charge the right to diffuse the published work on the Future Earth website or any other Future Earth communication media under the following Creative Common License:
In order to be considered eligible for this grant, the Scientific Leader must be a researcher affiliated with a university or research institution.
The objective of the Pathways Communication Grant is to disseminate scientific findings on pathways for sustainability to non-scientific audiences. Communications experts/professionals are encouraged to be part of the team. However, in order to be eligible, the project must be led by a researcher at a university or research institution.
Yes, as long as all other requirements of the call are met. Projects led by early career researchers (defined as PhD students or researchers who have received their PhD within the last ten years) are considered a priority group, but it is not a requirement for funding.
Yes, the call is open to all nationalities. One third of the funding will be allocated to support proposals from researchers led by and working in low and middle income countries as a priority group, and another third will be allocated to support proposals from early career researchers (defined as PhD students or researchers who have received their PhD within the last six years).
No, we welcome all proposals that meet the requirements of the funding call.
Supported communication products should be launched and made publicly available within 8 months from the date of the funding transfer.
Yes, as long as all other requirements of the call are met.
No. All costs related to translation services are not eligible under this call.
Yes, a priori. We invite you to include details in your proposal about these activities and their related costs in order for the selection committee to make a proper assessment of your proposal.
Each project can receive 5,000€ to 12,000€. Funded communication products should be launched and publicly available within 8 months from the date of the funding transfer.
Once all the necessary documentation has been received, the funding will be transferred within 4 months to the awarded Beneficiary. However, transfers to countries outside of Europe may take longer due to administrative constraints.
Led by Winifredo Dagli, University of the Philippines Los Banos Foundation Inc
This project narrates the post-disaster transformation of Infanta, a rural town in the Philippines vulnerable to cyclones. Through the creation of a documentary, it highlights various stakeholders’ efforts in reforestation, livelihood diversification, and institutional reforms. It serves as a counter-narrative to dominant portrayals of passive local stakeholders in climate change adaptation and aims to engage and inform a broad audience, leveraging social media and community engagement.
Led by Emanuele Giorgi, Tecnologico de Monterrey
The project developed a multidisciplinary methodology for managing interventions in vulnerable contexts, leading to the implementation of six technology-based projects that reduced community vulnerability and digital divides, which are now serving as living laboratories for sustainability. It will share these experiences through a video-podcast series to benefit the communities involved and inspire others.
Led by Renata Moreno Quintero, Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
The « Rural Women and the Energy Transition » project supported the formation of energy communities led by Afro-descendant women, showcasing how just energy transitions can be mobilized through knowledge co-production. A Webdoc will be created to disseminate the project, making the processes visible, demonstrating women’s experiences, and documenting innovations – crucial for actively involving women and rural communities in national energy transition strategies.
Led by Olumuyiwa Adegun, Federal University of Technology
The research project on vertical gardens designed, developed, and assessed in low-income urban neighborhoods of Lagos and Dar es Salaam will be expanded into documentary films incorporating community voices and local languages to showcase the sustainability initiatives, possibilities, and challenges of vertical greening. It will promote an effective do-it-yourself attitude on greening by socio-economically weak residents and fuel new narratives of positive change.
Led by Almendra Cremaschi, Fundacion UNSAM innovacion y tecnologia
Bioleft is an ongoing community lab that seeks to co-design and experiment with social and technological innovations to open new pathways to more sustainable seed systems. It is building an open seed exchange and breeding network that generates a greater availability of biodiverse and resilient seeds, considered as a common.
Led by Michaela Guo Ying Lo, University of Kent
"Watch Forum #9 on communicating transdisciplinary science featuring previous Pathways Communication Grant Awardees"
Pathways Forum #9: Communicating ‘messy’ science: capturing the transformative potential of communication and outreach in transdisciplinary work